Friday, February 12, 2010

In the World

Exciting news coming out of Korea this week. i know, you can reread that sentence. Not scary, not concerning, not threatening, and it's not even technology news. No, North Korea has indicated a desire to reopen reunification talks with South Korea. WWII left Korea divided at the 38th parallel. Soviets occupied the North and Allied forces held the South for a time. The long term consequences have been drastic.

North Korea adopted a dictatorship and South Korea, a democracy. In 1957, South Korea had a GDP lower than Ghana and by 2008 it was 17 times Ghana's. Meanwhile, North Korea experienced a major famine in the late 90's, losing millions in just 3 years. Reunification has been on the table before, but it looks like it may be gaining some fresh perspective. President Horst Kohler of Germany (a country once divided similarly) visited Korea this past Monday to speak with President Lee Myeong Bak. You can read more on JoongAng Daily.

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