Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh the places THEY'LL go...

Many Presbyterians with whom i talk are surprised to learn that there are more Presbyterians in Korea than in the US. If "decent and in order" are among the battle-cries/(softly spoken heartfelt themes) of the Presbyterian Church, are we really surprised that our incredibly ordered and decent Korean brothers and sisters are so fond of this denomination?

Likewise, many people are surprised to discover where the most religious fervor and highest numbers of Christians are located. Sub-Saharan Africa. Yup. Religion is "very important" to over 3/4 of the people in 17 of 19 countries in the region. The world's most religious industrialized nation... the USA, where only 57% of of folks make the same claim.

Take Senegal... 98% of respondents say reliong is "very important" and 93% in Mali. Botswana comes in last with a paltry 69% (still well above the US and far above most other industrialized nations). I'm looking forward to our first missionaries from Senegal and Mali.

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