Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Green Day

I cannot do this article justice with a synopsis, so I will simply provide a link. A recent article in the NY Times outlines the often hidden costs of diving head first into renewable resources. As with all things in life, you must look before you leap. Recent, well-meaning, laws and government initiatives have met with great public approval, but may be leading us in environmentally costly and damaging directions.

The following op-ed piece does a superb job of examining the potential pitfalls of recent decision-making and legislation: The Gas is Greener by Robert Bryce.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Back from Pilgrimage

And we're BACK! After three weeks of trecking through the Holy Land and following in the footsteps of Jesus, I'm back. From the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea to Jericho, Bethlehem and Jerusalem (plus stops in Haifa and Akko), and all the way down to the Red Sea and over to Cairo, this trip covered most of the land JC walked. I took lots of pictures and kept a very detailed journal. I will share from that journal in the coming days, but for now, you can find the pictures in these Facebook albums. You do NOT need to create a FB account to see them, if you don't yet have one. I was able to see many of the holy sites where Jesus and his disciples and family went and to read the stories there. I was also able to meet people of many faith traditions and other believers from all over the world and hear their stories. Enjoy...

Pictures of the Young Adults who went to Israel on Pilgrimage